Policy Cut Off Week in Olympia

Oly Insider
Oly Insider
Policy Cut Off Week in Olympia
Oly Insider
Oly Insider
Policy Cut Off Week in Olympia

EP-008 Policy Cut Off Week in Olympia

Jay Fratt flies solo in the Positive Intentions Media studio in Olympia Washington for this episode. Cohost Erica Engelhart went viral this week that culminated in a newspaper article about a post she made on X. Erica uses her voice often in testimony for bills she is interested in. Her viral post represents her experience, and that of many others, when it may seem like Senators and Representatives are disinterested in consuming public testimony. She will be back on the next episode.

It’s “policy cut off week” at the state legislature. What the heck does that mean!?! And how do the rules and appropriations committees factor into the process of a bill?

Rep Couture (R LD35) and Senator MacEwen (R LD35) take the time to help us understand the committee process better, and we get more insight into HB-1133 and HB-1018 that Oly Insider has been tracking this session.

Intro and Outro Music Credits – Velvet Dreamscape.mp3 by Denys Brodovskyi is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International License

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