EP-005 – Agency Request Bills and Committee Details
Back to basics! The Oly Insider team isn’t breaking news or uncovering misinformation this week. Instead we get back to our education in the process and procedures of the legislature. Early on, Eric Engelhart and Jay Fratt noticed several bills were made at the request of state agencies. The team was able to track down the State Treasurer and a representative of the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council, to learn more about these special agency request bills.
We also tagged a couple freshman legislators to ask them about the role of executive session within the committee process, and what happens to bills once they go through an initial committee.
Agency Request Bill from the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council
HB-1018 – Adding fusion energy to facilities that may obtain site certification for the purposes of chapter 80.50 RCW.
Hearing within the House Committee on Environment & Energy.
Interview with Karl Holappa with EFSEC – Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council.
HB-1924 – Promoting the integration of fusion technology within state clean energy policies from 2023-24 Legislative Session passed and signed by Governor Inslee. EFSEC report derived from the passage of HB-1924 in the 2023-24 legislative session that created the series of bills in the current legislative session.
Agency Request Bill from the Treasurer
SB-5080 – Making financial education instruction a graduation requirement. Filed by Valdez (Dem LD46)
Hearing within the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
Exclusive sound bite from State Treasurer Pellicciotti.
Statement from Senator Claire Wilson (D LD30).
Freshman Representative Matt Marshall (R LD2) spoke to Oly Insider about the process of a bill within the legislative committees.
Homework Assignment!
HB-1113 – Concerning accountability and access to services for individuals charged with a misdemeanor. Filed by Representative Farivar (D LD46).
Go to the link above, and read the bill. This bill will be in committee hearing on Monday February 3rd at 1:30pm. Maybe you want to testify … or just follow along with us.
Intro and Outro Music Credits – Velvet Dreamscape.mp3 by Denys Brodovskyi is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International License