The Process and Bills Tracked
EP-001 The Process and Bills Tracked
Erica Engelhart and Jay Fratt live from the Positive Intentions Media studio discuss surprises so far in covering the prefiled bills, and list off the 12 bills (below) selected to begin this season of Oly Insider and the 2025 Washington Legislative session.
General Unique Bills
HB-1133 – Concerning sexually violent predators. Filed by Leavitt (Dem LD28). Co Sponsor – Couture (Rep LD35)
This bill was written at request of the Attorney General’s Office. It seeks to add a judicial layer of consideration to the process of downgrading or releasing violent sex offenders. This bill is of particular importance considering last year Attorney General Bob Ferguson came under fire for releasing violent sex offenders housed at McNeil Island into community care centers. It’s interesting the bill was written at the request of the incoming Governor, perhaps to legally clean up after these controversial releases. The bill is scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Community Safety at 4:00 PM on January 14th.
HB-1027 – Concerning housing of inmates in state correctional facilities. Jacobsen (Rep LD25). Co Sponsor Marshall (Rep LD2).
The purpose of this bill is to protect women housed in correctional facilities from being housed with men who have a history of sexual violence that now identify as a woman. Not only does this happen, but it’s been exposed that these men are abusing the women within these facilities. This bill is not yet scheduled for a committee hearing, but I hope it will be soon.
HB-1018 – Adding fusion energy to facilities that may obtain site certification for the purposes of chapter 80.50 RCW. Filed by Shavers (Dem LD10). Co Sponsors – Ryu (Dem LD32) Barnard (Rep LD8)
This bill was created at the request of the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council in Washington state. I spent two years working on a Fusion Future plan with Presidential candidate Eric Boerner where I was pushing for a federal plan to create an industrial fusion reactor with the prototype being built at the Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington. This bill adds fusion plants to the official list of energy facilities that can seek site certification through the Evaluation Council. No committee designation has been assigned at this time to hear the prefiled bill.
HB-1113 – Concerning accountability and access to services for individuals charged with a misdemeanor. Filed by Farivar (Dem LD46). Co Sponsored by 18 Democrat Legislators.
This bill would allow the court to dismiss a person’s misdemeanor charges in an ongoing case under certain circumstances. It would allow charges to be dismissed if the person has fulfilled any restitution requirements, and obeyed any other conditions set by the court during the continuation period of their case. The bill does exclude particular charges from being dismissed. It would make it easier for people to break the law without fear of it showing up on their permanent record. It has not yet been assigned to a committee for a hearing.
SB-5000 – Adopting the evergreen state as the state nickname. Filed by Jeff Wilson (Rep LD19). Co Sponsor – Chapman (Dem LD24).
This is a fun one. How many of you knew that the Evergreen State nickname was not an official designation. It’s been our state nickname my entire life. This bill seeks to solidify through legislation the official designation of Washington State as the Evergreen State. The bill is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on State Government, Tribal Affairs & Elections at 1:30 PM on January 14th. And the bill is scheduled for executive session in the Senate Committee on State Government, Tribal Affairs & Elections at 10:30 AM on January 17th.
SB-5020 – Providing property tax relief to senior citizens. Filed by Fortunato (Rep LD31).
Many of our senior citizens are literally being taxed out of their home. A family friend of mine who lives on the east side of King County paid the same amount in property taxes last year as she and her husband paid to purchase the home when they bought it in 1966. She is 88 years old and has already paid her fair share in taxes. This bill is not yet scheduled for a committee hearing.
Gun Rights Bills
HB-1132 – Enhancing public safety by limiting bulk purchases and transfers of firearms and ammunition. Filed by Farivar (Dem LD46). Co Sponsored by eight additional Democrat Senators.
This bill creates time restrictions on gun purchases and categorizes infractions as a class 1 civil infraction. The bill would limit the purchase of firearms to one per 30 day period for each individual, and limit ammunition purchases to 100 rounds of .50 caliber, and 1,000 rounds of any other caliber within a 30 day period. No committee designation has been assigned at this time to hear the prefiled bill.
SB-5098 – Restricting the possession of weapons on the premises of state or local public buildings, parks or playground facilities where children are likely to be present, and county fairs and county fair facilities. Filed by Valdez (Dem LD46). Co Sponsor – Saldana (Dem LD37).
This bill is well described as it expands the limits on possession of weapons to public community areas and official government facilities. All in the name of “where children could be present”. The bill is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 8:00 AM on January 14th. And the bill is scheduled for executive session in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 10:30 AM on January 16th.
SB-5099 – Protecting the public from gun violence by establishing additional requirements for the business operations of licensed firearms dealers. Filed by Lovick (Dem LD44). Co Sponsor – Pedersen (Dem LD43).
This bill is written in the name of protecting the public from gun violence. It creates a formal procedure to add the Washington State Patrol as a licensing regulating body in charge of vetting licensed firearm dealers. No committee designation has been assigned at this time to hear the prefiled bill.
Education Bills
SB-5080 – Making financial education instruction a graduation requirement. Filed by Valdez (Dem LD46). Co Sponsor – Cortes (Dem LD18).
This bill was introduced at the request of the Washington State Treasurer. This bill would make education on finances required rather than optional. It does not specify what kind of financial education will be required. The bill requires the superintendent of public instruction to consult with the financial education public-private 14 partnership which was established in 2004 to come up with standards on what will qualify as sufficient financial education. There is emphasis on the theory that basic financial education will better prepare them for life as adults. This bill is not yet scheduled for a committee hearing.
SB-5123 – Expanding protections for certain students to promote inclusivity in public schools. Filed by Nobles (Dem LD28). Co Sponsor – Claire Wilson (Dem LD30).
State law already prohibits discrimination due to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, people with disabilities and gender expression. This bill seeks to add “ethnicity, homelessness, immigration status, as well as expand on and define gender identity. This bill is not scheduled for a committee hearing.
HB-1140 – Establishing empowerED scholarships using educational savings accounts. Filed by Courture (Rep LD35). Co Sponsors – Walsh (Rep LD19) Corry (Rep LD14) Ley (Rep LD18).
This bill would offer school choice through the use of scholarships. If students require more than what they are receiving within the public school system, their parents could apply for one of these scholarships. The scholarship would be granted to students on a needs basis with a priority given to kids with special needs, low income families, and kids in failing schools. The funds would be used strictly on educational expenses. This bill is not scheduled for a committee hearing.
Intro and Outro Music Credits – Velvet Dreamscape.mp3 by Denys Brodovskyi is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International License