HB-1113 Dismissal Directive

Oly Insider
Oly Insider
HB-1113 Dismissal Directive
Oly Insider
Oly Insider
HB-1113 Dismissal Directive

EP-006 – HB-1113 Dismissal Directive

The Oly Insider crew, Erica Engelhart and Jay Fratt, are back midweek to cover a single bill this episode (HB-1113) that had a hearing on Monday February 3rd. Despite multiple problems with the bill, it seems the intent and target are true and accurate.

HB 1113 – Concerning accountability and access to services for individuals charged with a misdemeanor. Sponsored by Rep Farivar (D LD46).

Hearing February 3rd in the House Committee on Community Safety

Bill Analysis provided by the Office of Program Research staff member Corey Patton.

Russell Brown with Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys.

Holly Pederson Duffy public defender statement.

Rep Davis (D LD32) question and with Holly Pederson Duffy.

Intro and Outro Music Credits – Velvet Dreamscape.mp3 by Denys Brodovskyi is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International License

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